Coordinators of Student Activities (COSA)

9th Grade COSA


Ashley Mintz

About Me: 
Hey! My name is Ms. Mintz and I’m the social worker at Discovery and the 9th grade student activities coordinator. I hope to encourage and empower 9th grade students to explore their interests and passions, form friendships with students in all grades, and play an active role in our school. My favorite activity that we have done is baking cookies after school and my favorite trip that we have went on is Coney Island. I’m so excited to introduce the 9th graders to our community, and to continue expanding our activities for our students! 
Favorite Quote: “Being good to people is a wonderful legacy to leave behind.” -Taylor Swift

10th Grade COSA


Lori Zalanowski

About Me:

Hello everyone! My name is Ms. Zalanowski and I teach Earth and AP Environmental Science here at Discovery.  I absolutely love teaching science and hope to instill a passion and desire for learning science in my students.  I really appreciate the time I can spend with students outside of the classroom which is why I also love my role as COSA!  Some of my favorite activities last year were paint night and beading at lunch and of course our trips to the movies!! I've had such fun doing lunchtime and after school activities with students at Discovery and am excited to continue that this year! 

Favorite Quote: "Take only pictures, leave only footprints" - National Parks

11th Grade COSA


Chris Allen

About Me:

Hi! My name is Mr. Allen and I teach 11th grade U.S. History. I am a huge history nerd and I love observing as students explore the world of the American past with curiosity and wonder. My favorite trip I have taken part in was the trip to Six Flags last year, and one of my favorite extracurricular activities is game night with pizza! 

Favorite Quote: "Being defeated is only a temporary option. Giving up is what makes it permanent." - Marilyn vos Savant

Fun-Times Photo Gallery!