Tutorial: How to Use JG

Jupiter Grades: A Step-by-Step Tutorial

To Log In:

1) Go to jupitergrades.com

2) Click on Student/Parent (upper left tab)

3) Click on name and enter student name (exactly as it appears on log in information sheet)

4) Click on password: Enter the temporary password provided

5) Enter the name of school: Discovery High School

6) Enter City: Bronx

7) Enter State: Use pull down menu on right; click on NY

8) Click log in

9) Choose a new password – enter twice

Be sure to choose a password you can remember
Write the password on the log in information sheet
Do not share your password with anyone

10) You should now have arrived at the settings page (see left menu bar)

11) Enter your e-mail address

12) Enter your cell phone number

13) Use the pull down menu to choose wireless carrier

14) Select language

15) Messages: Click on the preferred method of receiving messages – web, e-mail or text

16) Click on what you’d like to be alerted to: behavior, absences, grades

Go to pull down menu – click on how often you would like to receive alerts

17) Click Save. Your Jupiter Grades is now set up and you will be taken to the next page

Next Page: 

Look at menu on the left and click on the following tabs:

1) Messages: (top left tab)

Check to see if messages have been left for you by the school or your teacher

2) Homework Planner:

Each class will be listed in a white bar with homework assignments and completion status below

3) Grades:

Use the pull down menu at the top to see each class separately

Grade weightings will be listed: Ex. Assessments – 60%, Homework 10% etc.

Your grades for this class will be listed

Click on each assignment to see your grade and any comments from the teacher

Please remember that not all assignments may be posted immediately.

4) Assignments:

You can see the status of each assignment by clicking on each individual assignment in “Grades”

5) Calendar:

See any assignments that have been due or will be due.

6) Downloads:

See files from your teachers or the school that may include assignments permission slips etc.

7) Click Report Card:

See what your current class grade is as of that time.

Please remember that all assignments may not be reflected in that report card grade if they have not yet been entered by the teacher.

8) Attendance:

See attendance by date and course

9) Settings:

Go to settings if you’ve forgotten your user name or password and for any other changes you’d like to make to the set up of your Jupiter Grades account.

10) Video Tour:

Tutorial on how to use Jupiter grades.

Jupiter Video